The Borough of Somerville recently completed a project to install a new basketball court at Lepp Park, located at 22 Park Avenue.
“We upgraded the basketball facilities at the park with a new, modern basketball court,” explained Mark Ibraham, Assistant Engineer and Assistant Public Works Director. “Our goal was to provide a better recreational experience for the community.”
About the project
Pave-Rite, Inc, of Bridgewater, was the contracted vendor. Construction started on July 15, 2024 and was completed in October. The project cost $107,323.
The upgrades include:
- new pavement, athletic surface and paint
- new basketball posts
- new team benches
- a new driveway entrance to the spray park and basketball court
- topsoil, seeding and mulch
The borough also coordinated with PSE&G to relocate obsolete electrical lines and light poles to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs.