Curbside recycling guidelines and schedule

The Somerset County Recycling Division collects recycling. Residential recycling is collected every other Wednesday. Commercial recycling is collected weekly in the business district.

Please place materials at curbside the night before your collection day.

2025 Schedule


Month Days
January 8, 22
February 5, 19
March 5, 19
April 2, 16, 30
May 14, 28
June 11, 25
July 9, 23
August 6, 20
September 3, 17
October 1, 15, 29
November 12, 26
December 10, 24


Recycling is collected 2 times per week in the business district.

  • Tuesday: Paper and cardboard
  • Thursday: Paper, cardboard and commingled items (includes glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminum cans)

Poor weather conditions

If pickup is cancelled due to poor weather conditions, the next collection will be two weeks later on your regularly scheduled day. Sign up for weather-related alerts.

Missed pick ups

If your recycling was not picked up, contact Somerset County Recycling.

Types of buckets and totes

Wheeled recycling totes

The County is gradually providing all residents with two 65-gallon wheeled totes.

  • Yellow lid: only glass, cans, and bottles allowed
  • Green lid: only paper and cardboard allowed

Cardboard must be placed loosely inside the tote. Do not put plastic bags in your totes. Recycle them at local grocery or Target stores.

Place your tote so the metal horizontal grab bar facing the road. Make sure your totes are at least 2 feet apart and clear of any parked cars.

Blue buckets

Residents who live west of Bridge Street are still using the blue 20-gallon buckets. Contact Somerville Public Works if you need a replacement bucket.

Get help

Somerset County Recycling

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