Where can I sign up for First Aid and CPR training?
The Rescue Squad provides First Aid and CPR training courses.
The Rescue Squad provides First Aid and CPR training courses.
The Rescue Squad provides medical transport to or from the hospital.
If you see a rodent infestation at a property or business, please contact the Somerset County Health Department at HealthDept@co.somerset.nj.us or call 908-231-7155.
There are several food banks, pantries and soup kitchens open to Somerset County residents, including these locations in Somerville: Home of Somerset County: Provides emergency shelter, meals and other programs for at-risk families Little Food Pantries: Contact the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 908-685-1660 for the locations of small food lockers in Somerville Wednesday – Soup … Continued
The Somerset County Department of Health provides our health services. They are responsible for health inspections, complaints, enforcement and public health education. To report a food safety concern, email HealthDept@co.somerset.nj.us or call (908) 231-7155.