Tax Assessor

The Tax Assessor’s office maintains a fair tax base for the community based on sound assessment practices. We treat all property types and owners impartially to distribute the tax burden fairly. Read the New Jersey Taxpayers' Bill of Rights.


In February of each year, we mail assessment notification postcards to each property owner. The postcard lists the current year’s assessment and the process for filing an appeal.

Assessment appeals

Property tax bills

  • You must pay your 1st quarter taxes. Your appeal will not be accepted if you do not pay your taxes.
  • A tax appeal is not an appeal of your tax bill. The amount of taxes you pay is never an issue during an appeal. The Tax Assessor and County Tax Board do not have control over budgets submitted by municipalities, counties, schools, or fire districts.

About the Tax Assessor

The Assessor:

  • Identifies and places a value on every parcel of land in Somerville
  • Is granted the authority to make decisions by the New Jersey Constitution
  • Is a municipal employee who works under the direction of the Somerset County Board of Taxation

The Assessor can answer questions about:

  • Ownership
  • Blocks and lots
  • Assessments of land and buildings
  • Lot sizes
  • Sales prices

About the Tax Collector

Please contact the Tax Collector with questions about:


Brett Trout
Tax Assessor

(908) 725-2300 ext. 1970
12:30 to 2:30 pm
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