Spring soccer league
This entry-level soccer program is for youth, in grades 1 to 8, who live or attend school in Somerville.
Teams will play games with surrounding towns in an intertown league administered by Bridgewater Recreation.
This is a recreational soccer program, but we encourage commitment from all participants. Players who are late and miss practices or games may get less playing time than players who are more committed to the program. We form teams by grade and will not switch children between teams.
2025 Practices
- Dates: One night per week after 5:30 pm, beginning in early April
- Location: Outdoors on various Somerville fields (weather permitting)
- Schedule: Practices will be scheduled based on volunteer coach and field availability. Coaches will contact participants with additional information prior to practice.
2025 Games
- Dates: Saturdays - April 26 and May 3, 10, 17, 31 and June 7 (make-up date is June 14)
- Location: Various Bridgewater fields (weather permitting)
- Schedule: Coaches will distribute the game schedule once its released
- Game cancellations: Call 908-526-7107, or visit the Bridgewater Recreation website
- Team jersey: wear a jersey from a prior season or purchase one for $15
- Shin guards
- Cleats or sneakers
- Soccer ball (players should bring their own, if possible)
- Grades 1 and 2: Size #3 ball
- Grades 3 to to 6: Size #4 ball
- Grades 7 and 8: Size #5 ball
Safety note: participants may not wear jewelry, earrings, or casts while participating in recreational programs
2025 Registration
- Cost: $60 (non-refundable)
- Deadline: Registration will be open from February 3 to March 10 (first come, first served)
- Waitlist: Players will be waitlisted if a team is full or without a coach
- Register online
- Register by mail: Mail the registration form and check (payable to Somerville Recreation) to the Recreation Department, 25 West End Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876
Late registrations will not be accepted. We reserve the right to limit registrations, and if necessary, cancel, alter and/or supplement programs.
Our volunteer coaches build a fun environment and help kids develop their skills. We'd love to hear from you, if you're interested in volunteering. New coaches must obtain the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Certification and submit a fingerprint/background check.