Update #11 (November 1 – 6:46 pm): The boil water advisory has been lifted and it is no longer necessary to boil water before using. After a boil water advisory has ended, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection advises that you:
- Flush all plumbing
- Run all cold-water faucets on full for at least 5 minutes each. If you live in an apartment building, consider flushing for a longer period.
- Dump existing ice from ice makers and flush the water feed lines by making and discarding 3 batches of ice cubes. Wipe down ice bins with a disinfectant.
- For hot water heaters, water coolers, in-line filters, and other appliances with direct water connections or water tanks, run enough water to completely replace at least 1 full volume of all lines and tanks.
- Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
More Information
- Visit the state website for additional safety tips
- Read the official announcement from NJ American Water
Update #10: The water main system has significantly recovered overnight, but customers may still experience low pressure as the water main repair continues. All customers are still under an active boil water advisory and should continue to boil their water before consumption. Excavation of the pipe is ongoing, and NJAW will assess the extent of the damage to the main and begin repairs today. The southbound lanes and one northbound lane of Rt. 206 have reopened, but drivers should continue to avoid the area if possible and if not, please travel with caution near the work zone. NJAW has setup an Alert Page with additional updates.
Update #9: To resume operations, retail food establishments must meet the Boil Water Advisory Guidelines for Food Service Facilities, provided by the Somerset County Health Department.
Update #8: Route 206 North has 1 lane open. Please use caution in the area as it’s an active work zone. Rt. 206 South is completely open. [as of 6:45 am, on October 31]
Update #7: The water main break has been isolated, and repairs to the main are underway. Water service and pressure have been restored to the system, but customers are still under an active boil water advisory and should continue to boil their water before consumption. Route 206 has been cleared of water and debris, but the northbound lane is still closed at the site of the repair. Please seek an alternate route as NJAW continues work to repair the main. All schools will be open tomorrow.
Update #6: Rt. 206 South is open, but Rt. 206 North will remain closed for the duration of the repair (a couple of days). Please plan detours accordingly, and avoid the area.
Update #5: Borough Hall is now open to the public.
Update #4: NJAW has issued a mandatory boil water advisory. Please boil water before using and conserve outdoor water use during repair, until further notice.
- Bring tap water to a rolling boil for 1 minute and allow cooling before using or use bottled water
- Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking; preparing foods; mixing baby formula, food, juices or drinks; washing vegetables and fruit; cooking; making ice; brushing teeth; and washing dishes
- Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water
- Throw away uncooked food or beverages or ice cubes if made with tap water today
- Keep boiled water in the refrigerator for drinking
- Do not swallow water while showering or bathing
- Do not use home filtering devices in place of boiling or using bottled water. Most home water filters will not provide adequate protection from microorganisms.
- Use only water that has been boiled (and cooled) to treat minor injuries
- Rinse hand-washed dishes with a diluted bleach solution (one tablespoon of household bleach per gallon of tap water) or clean your dishes in a dishwasher using the hot wash cycle and dry cycle.
- Upon boiling water for potable use, store 2-3 gallons of boiled (and cooled) water be stored in the refrigerator in one gallon-containers for use in cooking, drinking, etc. Water can be stored in this manner for 2-3 days.
- Pets should be provided with drinking water that has been boiled (and cooled) in the manner indicated above.
Update #3: NJ American Water (NJAW) is actively working to fix a 36-inch water main break. If you have water, you can expect to keep that water, but there is a boil advisory for drinking water. NJAW has approved plans to run new water lines and bypasses and expects work to start in the first quarter of 2025. Route 206 South is open, but Rt. 206 North is still closed. Borough Hall and the library will remain closed to the public for the rest of today.
Update #2: Water pressure is returning slowly in much of Somerville. Please try to conserve water. We may experience brief periods when water pressure drops or water is turned off while repairs are made. NJ American Water will provide a water advisory soon. Stay tuned for more updates.
Update #1: Borough Hall and the Somerville Library are closed this morning (and possibly all day).
There is a major water main break on Rt. 206 (between South Bridge and Orlando Drive). We are working with NJ American Water and our local emergency management and emergency responders to quickly resolve the situation and keep everyone safe.
There is no water currently in most of Somerville and all schools are closed. We will advise as soon as we have an approximate repair time from the water company.
Please stay tuned for further updates.