What is the ORI number for Somerville, NJ?
The ORI number is required to complete the state’s Firearms application. Somerville’s ORI number is NJ0181800.
The ORI number is required to complete the state’s Firearms application. Somerville’s ORI number is NJ0181800.
If you are recovering from Hurricane Ida and your home needs repair or you’re trying to recover from expenses due to relocation and lost household goods: Learn about free disaster recovery case management services Download an outreach flyer in English or en Español
To check on the status of your tax payment Look up your account in the payment portal You will see if the account is paid or open Learn more about how to pay your taxes
Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) are posted on the bidding opportunities page. Please contact Clerk-Administrator Kevin Sluka with any questions, at KSluka@SomervilleNJ.org.
A Permit to Work with the Roadway is required for road openings associated with utility installations and maintenance and for road improvements.
There are several food banks, pantries and soup kitchens open to Somerset County residents, including these locations in Somerville: Home of Somerset County: Provides emergency shelter, meals and other programs for at-risk families Little Food Pantries: Contact the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 908-685-1660 for the locations of small food lockers in Somerville Wednesday – Soup … Continued
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has a list of organizations that are looking for donations of appliances, reusable shopping bags, furniture, clothing and many other household items.
New Jersey American Water began billing Somerville residents for wastewater service in October 2023. Learn more about the new billing process or call customer service at 1-800-272-1325, Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 7 pm.
Free car seat inspections are available at the: Hillsborough Volunteer Fire Company #2 375 Route 206 North, Hillsborough, NJ Open: First Saturday of each month (10 am to 1:30 pm) and third Wednesday of each month (3 pm to 6:30 pm) Child Seat Inspection Station Rutgers University Police Department 129 Davidson Road, Piscataway, NJ Open: Thursdays … Continued
If your garbage was not picked up on it’s scheduled day, it might be because: Container weighed over 35 lbs More than 4 containers were placed at the curb Leaves, branches, or yard waste were in the container Recyclable materials were in the container It’s a holiday Poor weather conditions To report that your garbage … Continued