Planning Board


The Planning Board follows the provisions of the Municipal Land Use Law. We have authority to:

  • Prepare, adopt, and amend a master plan or component.
  • Exercise control over, and review of, subdivisions, site plans and conditional uses, including certain variances and building permits. (The planning board shall not have the power to review and approve site plans, subdivisions or conditional uses when such applications involve a "D" variance.)
  • Perform informal review of concept plans for development.
    Make recommendations to the borough council concerning adoption or amendment of development regulations and an official map.
  • Direct the issuance of building permits for buildings or structures in certain areas shown on an official map, when such building permits also require subdivision, site plan, or conditional use approval.
  • Direct the issuance of building permits for buildings or structures on a lot not related to a street, when such building permits also require subdivision, site plan, or conditional use approval.
  • Make recommendations to the borough council and/or any housing, parking, highway, special district or other authority, redevelopment agency, school board other similar public agency, State, County or municipal, concerning the relationship of capital projects to the master plan.
  • Prepare a capital improvements program, if authorized by the borough council.
  • Participate in the preparation and review of programs or plans required by state or federal law or regulation.
  • Assemble data on a continuing basis as part of a continuous planning process.
  • Perform such other advisory duties as are assigned to it by ordinance or resolution of the borough council for the aid and assistance of the council or other agencies or officers.


Our meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. Read our guide about how to participate.

  • Day: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
  • Time: 7 pm
  • Location: Somerville Civic Center, 24 Robeson Street

Upcoming meetings


The Planning Board consists of 4 classes of members, plus alternates. Members serve 1, 2, and 4 year terms.

Name Class Term expiration
Bernard Navatto, Chair 4 December 31, 2026
Brian Gallagher, Mayor 1
Laurence Cleveland, Environmental Commission 2 December 31, 2024
Roger Vroom, Council member 3 December 31, 2024
Deirdre Rosinski 4 December 31, 2024
Lisa Werner 4 December 31, 2027
Al Kerestes 4 December 31, 2026
Andrea Adair 4 December 31, 2025
Jason Kraska 4 December 31, 2025
Christopher Adickes, Alternate #1 4 December 31, 2024
Arthur Akins, Alternate #2 December 31, 2025

Board staff

  • Jenna LaRusso, Planning and Zoning Board Secretary
  • Kara Kaczynski, Board Attorney
  • Michael Cole, Board Planner and Engineer


Jenna LaRusso
Planning and Zoning Board Secretary

(908) 725-2300
ext. 1964
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