Sunday, March 16: Main Street closed and parking restricted for the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Meeting guide for the Planning and Zoning Boards

The Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment have requirements identified in the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL), N.J.S.A. 40:55D et. seq. This law provides the procedures in which New Jersey land use proceedings shall take place. All approvals and denials are subject to challenge, therefore following the procedure is vital to the board’s defense of such cases.

This guide helps you understand and participate in the land use process. Each application is unique, and the process may deviate from this outline for more effective communication. Such deviations shall not be considered a basis for an argument in any appeals of a decision rendered by the board.

About the Boards

Planning Board

The Planning Board members include the Mayor and members appointed by the Mayor, except for one member of the Borough Council who is appointed by the Borough Council. The Planning Board members are charged by law with reviewing site plans, subdivisions, zoning ordinance amendments, re-examination and adoption of the Master Plan.

The Planning Board meets at 6 pm, on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, in the Somerville Civic Center, at 24 Robeson Street. On occasion, meetings are cancelled if they lack the need to meet or meetings are added if the workload requires. The Planning Board usually has a board secretary, board attorney, board engineer and court recorder in attendance at each meeting.

Zoning Board of Adjustment

The Zoning Board of Adjustment members are appointed by the Borough Council and are charged with reviewing and determining all types of variances, appeals and interpretations. The Zoning Board is a quasi-judicial board holding hearings similar to a court hearing.

The Zoning Board usually meets at 7 pm, on the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Somerville Civic Center, at 24 Robeson Street. On occasion, meetings are cancelled if they lack the need to meet or meetings are added if the workload requires. The Zoning Board usually has a board secretary, board attorney, board engineer, and court recorder in attendance at each meeting.

Board member requirements

All board members are required to take educational courses that enable them to serve. In addition, each member must file an annual Financial Disclosure Form in accordance with New Jersey State ethics law. Failure to complete the training or file a disclosure form will result in a fine and/or removal from the board.


Planning Board

The Planning Board members are volunteers, from which they appoint a chairperson to administer the meetings. The chairperson shall require that a public comment period is made available during the meeting. The chairperson shall allow for comments on the agenda and also for matters not on the agenda.

The chairperson shall allow for comments following testimony, specific only to the testimony that was presented. Once the applications are complete, and decisions rendered, the chairperson will allow for comments for items not on the agenda. The chairperson may limit the time for general comments.

Zoning Board

The Zoning Board of Adjustment are also volunteers from which they appoint a chairperson to administer meetings. The chairperson shall allow either comments from the public or comments from the individuals that have standing following testimony. The comments shall be limited to the expert’s testimony. The board chairperson may allow for final comments by the public at the end of the entire application process.

Schedule, agendas and videos

Both boards advertise their meetings in the Borough's official newspaper and the Borough's website.

Agendas are posted on the Borough website prior to each meeting. Paper copies are also available at the meetings.

Live stream videos of the board meetings are available on the Borough's YouTube channel.

Public comments

When offered an opportunity to comment, the public shall step up to the microphone and state their name and address for the record. Once a member states their name and address for the record they have given up certain rights of privacy as the meeting is recorded and minutes are taken.

Meeting minutes

A court reporter may attend some meetings to transcribe testimony. The board secretary is in charge of producing and maintaining all the meeting minutes.

Meeting minutes are posted on the Borough’s website usually within a month following the meeting. Prior to being posted, the appropriate board shall adopt the minutes. All meeting minutes are subject to the Open Public Records Act.


Ryan Bakie
Board Secretary

(908) 725-2300
ext. 1964
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