Sunday, March 16: Main Street closed and parking restricted for the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Meeting guide for the Borough Council

About the Mayor and Council

The Council consists of 6 members. The Mayor serves as the chair of the Council meeting and is the 7th member of the Governing Body. The Mayor’s roles and responsibilities are defined by Borough Ordinance. The Borough has ordinances that also define the role of the Borough Council.

Meeting schedule

During the Annual Reorganization Meeting, regular meeting dates are selected and adopted by resolution. These dates can change, dates can be added and meetings can be deleted. However, over the past several decades such actions do not happen often.

Public comment

All interested parties are invited to speak on anything they wish during the open public portion provide the rules are followed. The Mayor, serving as the chair of the meeting, seeks to open the public comment period by an affirmative vote of the Borough Council. The Mayor will announce that the public portion is open.

In order to speak you will need to raise your hand to be recognized. Once recognized the following rules shall apply:

  • Approach the podium at the front of the room and clearly state your name and address. If you are a first time speaker, the Municipal Clerk may request that you name be spelled to ensure that it is reflected in the minutes properly.
  • All public comments shall be addressed to the Mayor. Please be reminded that this is a public comment period and not a debate. The Open Public Records Act was created to enable anyone to obtain records in order that they may view records; this is not a time to review records.
  • The public comments can be made of any matter of concern it does not to be limited to the agenda items.
  • There is a five 5-minute time limit per speaker during the public comment period, as per Resolution 20-0121-045.
  • Speakers may speak once during the public comment period and any unused time may not be yielded to other speakers.

Interested parties have one other opportunity to comment during the public hearing of an ordinance. In this case, the speaker must only speak about the proposed ordinance and address comments to the Mayor. The speaker is again limited to five minutes and may not yield any unused time.

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