A message from Mayor Brian Gallagher
Somerville is at her best when tragedy strikes and we have people in need. The Borough will continue working with all the displaced families, from the June 4 fire, to help them find permanent housing.
How you can help
The Somerville Civic League is coordinating donations.
- You may make monetary donations online
- Donate gift cards (ShopRite, local clothing stores and restaurants) at one of the drop-off locations
- Bring donations (including personal toiletries) to a drop-off location
Drop-off locations
- Cuoco Funeral Home, 10 West End Ave (drop off anytime on back porch)
- Osprey Lane, 95 W. Main Street (10 am to 8 pm, through Friday, June 7)
Thank you first responders
Thank you to all the firefighters, police officers and rescue squad volunteers, from Somerville and nearby communities, who responded to this fire. You put yourself in harm’s way to help the Somerville community. We are grateful for your bravery and outstanding service.
Main Street update
Main Street is open! I encourage everyone to come out to Downtown Somerville and support our local businesses at this time.
- Parking is free in all the municipal parking lots and curbside meters until Monday
- On Friday, the largest Cruise Night in the east coast will be held along Main Street, from 6 to 9 pm and the Summer Stage concert will be held on Division Street, from 7 to 9 pm