December 20: NJ American Water is aware of taste and odor issues and will continue flushing the water system. We are anticipating 1 to 2 inches of snow tonight into Saturday morning. Black ice is possible. Residents have 12 daylight hours to clear snow from sidewalks once the precipitation has ended.

Historic Advisory Committee

If you enjoy researching the history and architecture of their Somerville home, you can help us develop a database of Somerville’s rich and varied architectural history.

We are looking for members to serve on the committee or who are interested in volunteering from time to time when we hold special events.

Contact us if you are interested.


We will promote, protect and preserve the historic heritage, character and architecture of the Borough of Somerville by increasing public awareness of that heritage on local, regional, state, and national levels, and by creating for our citizens and our descendants resources that accentuate and emphasize the town’s history.

We will provide informed and consensus-based recommendations regarding the conservation of historical artifacts, structures, and other property, with a focus on enhancing the quality of life for our residents, and preserving the historic character of the Borough while allowing for appropriate growth and change.

Learn about Somerville's history


Our meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.

  • Day: 3rd Thursdays
  • Time: 7:15 pm
  • Location: Council Chambers (Somerville Police Headquarters), 24 South Bridge Street (ADA accessible)

Upcoming meetings

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Past meetings


Members serve a 1 year term, expiring December 31, 2024.

  • Phil Decker, Chair
  • Kelley Allen, Secretary
  • Ron Czajkowski
  • David Edwards
  • Kristen Anne Gray
  • Brenna Hassinger-Das
  • Marge Sullivan
  • James Sommerville
  • Scott Sweitzer
  • Jennifer Young
  • Harold Willard
  • Thompson Mitchell, Council Liaison


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