Saturday, March 22: Green Street will be closed between Davenport Street and Mercer Street, from 10 am to 4 pm, for the grand reopening of Shiloh Pentecostal Church.

EV Show: learn about the benefits of driving electric vehicles

Posted on September 23, 2023

An electric car plugged in

All residents are invited to an Electric Vehicle (EV) Show during the Somerville Street Fair and Craft Show, from 11 am to 5 pm, on Sunday, October 1 in downtown Somerville. Come and learn how to save money while driving, help clean the air, reverse climate change and just have fun by driving electric.

What you can expect

  • Approximately 20 volunteers will show their plug-in electric vehicles, ranging from the small Mini to large pickup trucks
  • Volunteers will share their experience driving electric and will answer questions about incentives, how to find their perfect vehicle, how to charge, how to install a charging station at home, road trip tips and more.
  • If you are concerned about the carbon footprint of EV manufacturing, battery mineral mining and recycling, EV safety and battery longevity, grid stability, or V2L this is where you want to be.
  • Literature and education on EVs will also be available.

About this event

The Somerville Street Fair, organized by the Downtown Somerville Alliance, will feature artists, vendors, rides and live music along Main Street.

The EV Show will complement the Street Fair and will communicate the personal, societal and climate benefits of driving electric. The show is organized by the New Jersey Electric Vehicle Association (NJEVA), the Somerville Environmental Commission, and RideWise, a local nonprofit and transportation management association that provides education and information on sustainable transportation in Somerset County.

The Borough’s Environmental Commission is excited to partner with NJEVA and RideWise to give residents a chance to talk to their neighbors about their experience with electric vehicles. “For many folks, it’s a challenge to consider how going electric can fit into their lifestyle and what it takes to get there. By interacting with the vehicles and their owners, we’ll be giving people a great opportunity to effectively communicate the benefits and answer questions a prospective owner may have about the experience,” said Jeffrey Lamborn, chair of the Environmental Commission.

About electric vehicles

There are now about 2.5 million EVs on the road in the United States, and a recent survey by Consumer Reports and the Union of Concerned Scientists showed that more than 60% of prospective car buyers in the U.S. are interested in electric vehicles. There are also now more than 100 models available in the U.S., with many of the newer models having a range of 200-300 miles or more.

“I have been driving electric since 2012 and I would never go back to a gas car,” says Stan Jaracz, President of NJEVA. “My first EV is still on the road after 11 years, running strong and on the original battery.”

The EV Show is part of the 13th annual National Drive Electric Week, a coast-to-coast celebration of electric vehicles, between September 22 and October 1.

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