Category: Borough News

Parking deck on West Main Street now open

A public-private partnership between the developer of the Edge and the Borough has created additional paid parking in the newly completed parking deck off South Davenport Street in downtown Somerville. Built to accommodate tenants of the Edge apartments and to provide additional parking for patrons of the downtown, this deck brings an additional 229 parking … Continued

No parking and detours planned for St Patrick’s Day Parade

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade will make its way down Main Street, starting at 1:30 pm, on Sunday, March 10. Please expect limited parking and traffic detours, as noted below. Parade route Start on East Main Street, at the Grove Street intersection, in front of the Somerset Hotel Proceed westbound on Main Street and bear … Continued

Free parking due to flood watch

Please note there is a flood watch in effect in our area, starting on Wednesday, March 6. Steady rain on Wednesday, on already saturated ground, may lead to flooding overnight into Thursday. We’re also expecting another round of rain late Saturday into early Sunday. Prepare for possible flooding We suggest relocating all vehicles in low-lying … Continued

Vital Statistics office will be temporarily closed

The Vital Statistics office will be closed starting on Thursday, February 29 and will reopen on Monday, March 18. We are closing the office temporarily due to limited staff resources. Birth, marriage and death certificates You can request certified copies of vital records online. If you need a vital record immediately, you can make a … Continued

PSE&G gas construction update: March 4 week

UPDATE: Due to the weather forecast, PSE&G contractor crews will not work on Main Street on Tuesday, March 5. All traffic lanes will be open. We are waiting for PSE&G to confirm if work will continue on E. High Street. PSE&G will continue working on the gas pipe replacement project that started in March 2023. … Continued

PSE&G gas construction update: February 26 week

February 27 update: PSE&G crews will not work on Wednesday, February 28, due to the weather forecast. All lanes will be open on Main Street and parking will be permitted until work resumes on Thursday, February 29. ——————————————————————————————– PSE&G will continue working on the gas pipe replacement project that started in March 2023. Week of … Continued

Serve your community

Mayor Gallagher and the Borough Council are seeking volunteers to serve on 3 new committees: Infrastructure Task Force Public Safety Committee Seniors and Veterans Committee Volunteer opportunities include: Organizing the Memorial Day Parade Improving pedestrian safety Helping to develop 10-year improvement plans

Spring soccer league registration opens on February 1

This entry-level soccer program is for students in grades 1-8, who live or attend school in Somerville. Teams will play games with surrounding towns in an inter-town league administered by Bridgewater Recreation. Practices will be held 1 night per week after 5:30 pm, beginning in early April. Saturday games will be held on April 20 … Continued

PSE&G gas construction update: February 20

2/22 Update: PSE&G will not work on Main Street on Friday, February 23. This change is due to the weather forecast. ———————————————————————————————————— Main Street Update: PSE&G will be connecting services on Main Street, from N. Bridge Street to Grove Street, on February 22 and 23. Traffic will shift over in both directions to allow work … Continued

Section 8 housing voucher waitlist update

January 31, 2024 update: We have ceased taking applications for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Assistance Payments Program. This action is being taken in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Borough’s Administrative Plan for the Section 8 Program. We will announce when applications are being accepted again, when the current waiting list is … Continued

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