The Office of Planning Advocacy (OPA) and the State Planning Commission (SPC) are in the process of updating the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan (SDRP), or State Plan. Somerset County information meeting The SPC will host a public meeting to educate the public on how the Cross-acceptance process will work and to give … Continued
PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and “no parking” signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be maintained. Monday, February 10 to Friday, February 14 The overnight crew … Continued
February 12 Update: We’ve postponed the contest due to the snow conditions and change in forecast. ——————————————- We’re hoping for a good amount of packable snow next week so we can kick-off the Snow Buddy/Creature Contest, hosted by the Recreation Committee. All you have to do is build a snow buddy (or snow creature), take … Continued
The Somerville Public Library offers fun activities, games, workshops, and programs for all ages. Check out what’s happening in February! Infants, toddlers, and pre-school Time to Play Organized play stations and toys will be available for caregivers and children (birth to 5 years). Time: 10:30 am Dates: February 7, 28 Baby/Toddler Storytime This interactive program … Continued
PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and “no parking” signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be maintained. Monday, February 3 to Friday, February 7 PSE&G crews are … Continued
JANUARY 31 UPDATE: PSE&G crews will not work on Main Street tonight, due to weather. ————————————- PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and “no parking” signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access … Continued
Somerset County residents The Somerset County Park Commission is accepting natural Christmas trees for recycling. Trees will be chipped into wood chip mulch which will be used throughout the park system to mulch plantings. Some chips/mulch will be made available to the public at each of the drop-off sites at no cost. You may drop-off trees: … Continued
The Somerville Public Library offers fun activities, games, workshops, and programs for all ages. Check out what’s happening in January! Infants, toddlers, and pre-school Time to Play Organized play stations and toys will be available for caregivers and children (birth to 5 years). Time: 10:30 am Dates: January 3, 31 Baby/Toddler Storytime This interactive program is filled … Continued
PSE&G and contractor crews are in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April. Expect detours and “no parking” signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be maintained. Work Hours 9 am to 2 pm (from January 13 … Continued
PSE&G and contractor crews are now in the final phase of the gas pipe replacement project. Crews will be working on Main Street from January through April, mainly in the evenings, from 8 pm to 5 am. Expect detours and no parking signs in sections of Main Street. Pedestrian access to all businesses will be … Continued