Apply for a sidewalk sign permit

If you want to place an A-frame sign on the sidewalk outside your business, you must first receive approval from the Department of Community Development.

Need to know

  • Each business is only allowed 1 temporary, portable sidewalk sign
  • You must place your portable sign in front of your property or business
  • The sign must allow continuous pedestrian passage that is at least 6 feet wide
  • You must remove your sign from the sidewalk when your business is not open

Before you start

The application packet includes templates to help you prepare the required sketches.

Sketch the proposed sign

  • Draw or attach a picture of the proposed sign
  • Include sign face width and height
  • Include total height of sign and distance of base when sign is displayed

Sketch a site plan

  • Include the business name and address
  • Show the location of the building line, width of sidewalk and street curb
  • Show utility poles, trees or planters, fire hydrants and other items in the right of way
  • Show location of the proposed sign OR submit a photo of the proposed sign location


  1. Complete the A-frame sign application packet and provide 14 copies, including the
    • Notarized Hold Harmless Agreement
    • Certificate of Insurance listing the Borough of Somerville as an additional insured
    • Sketch, drawing or photo of the proposed A-frame sign
    • Sketch of the site plan
  2. Provide the $25 application fee by cash or check made out to the Borough of Somerville

What's next

We will review your application to check if it complies with local sign regulations. Upon final approval, we will provide a sticker that must be permanently affixed to the permitted sign.

Get help

Navleen Sappal
Land Use Director

(908) 725-2300 ext. 1981
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