Wednesday, January 22: Trash pickup is delayed today due to the cold weather. The Tax Office will close at 2 pm for employee training and reopen at 8:30 am on Thursday.



Non-Emergency Front Desk
24 South Bridge St.
Somerville, NJ 08876

The Somerville Police Department is committed to a standard of excellence, both in the quality and quantity of services offered to the community and in the treatment of its employees.

Event security and traffic control

To schedule an officer to provide security at a private event or traffic control at construction sites in the Borough, contact Jobs 4 Blue at (877) 425-8330.

Attorney request for discovery

If you have questions about discovery requests, or need discovery in another media or format, email



  • Deterrence of crime
  • Investigation of crimes committed
  • Arrest and prosecution of violators of law
  • Traffic control and enforcement

Our community services

  • DARE prevention programs
  • Community policing
  • School crossing guard program

Members of the Department actively pursue the cooperation of every resident in an effort to create a Police/Community partnership sensitive to the multitude of cultures that makes up the human fabric of our community. The partnership strives to create a quality of life in Somerville which is second to none in the United States.

Career development

In addition, the Somerville Police Department stands committed to total career development for each of its employees. Highest priority is placed on initial and continued training for all employees, and employee input into the operation of the Police Department is encouraged. The Somerville Police Department consists of 34 sworn police officers and 2 full-time civilian employees.

Body worn cameras

In 2021, the Somerville Police Department purchased and is utilizing body worn cameras for our officers.

police officer wearing a vest with a body worn cameraclose up view of a body worn camera

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